Well, here we are again careening toward Election Day, many polls in the error rate. This could be elected for another year of our President, is not popular, but with the vote of a single judge of the Supreme Court? This is possible to evoke the ghosts of the past presidential elections? The presidential election is at an early stage, the coronat apparently only the Democratic candidate, his hopes, even before the celebrations could begin with a hyphen? Presidential electionelection results in Florida, left in chaos, with both sides running agents south to see the number? The presidential elections that a candidate elected, that he had actually lost the popular vote? The presidential election with Election curled leaving the democratic feeling bitter and betrayed? Yes, the presidential election of 1876 was probably the most hotly contested election in American history. What do you say, I got the year wrong? Read on.
The Republican candidate hasRutherford B. Hayes. Born in Ohio in 1822 was, Hayes Kenyon College and Harvard Law School. He fought in the Civil War and was wounded in combat. Despite his wounds, Hays rose to the rank of brevet major general. Even in the Union Army, Hays has won a seat in the House of Representatives in1865. Between 1867 and 1876 he spent three terms as governor of Ohio.
Samuel J. Tilden was the Democratic candidate. Tilden was a veteran of New York politicsgoing back to Martin Van Buren. Tilden in the role of investigation and prosecution of Boss Tweed ring took him to the governor of New York in 1874. Tilden was a rather strange choice for the Democratic candidate. He sixty-two years (old in terms of age of a politician these days) and a billionaire, and so not just as a populist (almost a prerequisite for a Democratic candidate at the time, and perhaps even today.)
But the betting odds clearly favoredTilden with Hays willing to admit, even before the money was counted. Indeed, early results of this election night indicated that Tilden would have won easily, and Hays was Grab a towel, maybe not in your hand, but surely lay in his mind with the intention of bringing within the next day. But in the early hours of the morning that came after Election Day, as was the editorial in the New York Times about to announce the winner Tilden, a message from the Democratic Party, with a request that diverted the flow ofthe election of Tilden and against Hays. Boundaries asked to estimate the timing of the vote. Why the Democrats need to take that estimate, if they were sure of victory? This message is enough uncertainty for the Democrats to the cause of the New York Times, a strong republican body, pending the announcement of a victory Tilden. In those days the New York Times was identified as the final arbiter of all things. The Times, instead of announcing to the TildenWinners announced that several states, including Florida, are still too close to call on both sides to leave short of a majority of votes needed to win the election.
Also in this morning came after the election, John C. Reid, managing editor of the Times to send telegrams to Republicans cooperative attention to party leaders in several states that Hay is still a chance of winning and the possibility has been suspended by the thread to secure votes in uniformStates.
Republican state governments in many of these states and the electoral machine. And certainly not afraid of an inch wide heavy electoral lead. Used in Florida, the southern Democrats, the party of Jim Crow, but as the party of civil rights intimidation and violence to keep blacks away from the polls. All this with the firm will of the white voters who are free of corrupt carpetbaggers from the control of local governmentsguarantee the absence of any possibility of a fair vote count.
With the smell of a possible Democratic debacle dried in air for the Republican-controlled ballots in Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina and has more Tilden Hays announced the winner. In Oregon, where Hays had won a narrow victory, the Democrats objected to an electoral college vote only on a technicality to cast the results in column Tilden. Both the bids of Democrats and Republicans in the votesBoard Certified against the respective votes of those States.
A divided Congress, with the democratic control of Parliament and a Republican-controlled Senate had to decide which was twice the rate (twenty in all) electoral votes in question, to be accepted. A joint committee of the two houses finally decided, after much controversy, that an electoral commission composed of fifteen participants, each with five from the Senate, Parliament and the Supreme Court, is introduced.House and Senate, elected representatives of the basis of three for the majority and two for the minority of them. The five Supreme Court judges were selected on the basis of two well-known political affiliation of law and a political affiliation uncertain. Judge David Davis, a representative must be impartial. Tilden needed to win only one more electoral votes to the Democrats and was sure that the Commission would not be so biased all twenty votes and reward in Hayswas so sure of victory.
The democratic hopes were dimmed, but the same day that the impartial Commission Act was passed by the House of Commons. News came that he had elected the day before a coalition of Democrats and an independent judiciary Davis to the Senate of the United States and therefore disqualified him for the Electoral Commission. All other judges were known Republicans and Democrats were forced to settle on the selection of Joseph P. Bradley, who seemed to beregardless of the group.
Of course, Bradley went along with his entourage on all the Republicans in elections and voting rights litigation Hays was the winner.
The most striking of all this history is ordered that many Democrats would actually believed that judges should set aside the members of the political party of their views and work with the right provision in a real court.
Also in the 2000 race, I suspect a lot of Democrats did not understand the elections were once lostThe Supreme Court has its dogmatistic colored gloves on the electoral process. One thing is certain: if the right wing of the Supreme Court gets its chance of extra-constitutional break with the American elections of 2008, once again, you can bet the house that this is John McCain for the next four years.
Wayne Nolen
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